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Algorithm and flowchart to find the circumference of a circle in C with source code

THEORY The stdio.h denotes the C library that we have connected this program to, which contains the code to execute printf command and display resu…

Algorithm and flowchart to find area of a circle in C with source code

THEORY The stdio.h denotes the C library that we have connected this program to, which contains the code to execute printf command and display resu…

Algorithm and flowchart for printing text or string in C with Source code

THEORY The stdio.h denotes the C library that we have connected this program to, which contains the code to execute printf command and display res…

The 10 most valuable tech companies in the world

A year ago, the top 10 global players were collectively worth about $9 trillion. Today, the 10 most valuable tech companies in the world are worth …

5 Most Popular AI Programing Languages

AI and Programming  are the masters that work behind the curtains to establish this make-believe world of wonders. So how do they do it? Artificial…

How to create a Telegram BOT step by step without code

Telegram is one of the most used program for instant messaging and it is known for the possibility to have   bots   that interact with user pr…

The Ultimate Beginners Guide To Game Development In Unity

Unity is a great tool for prototyping everything from games, to interactive visualisations. In this article, we run through all you need to kno…
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