YouTube is huge. It’s the most searched website, has well over a billion users and people spend countless hours on the site. It’s also become a platform for YouTubers to become superstars in their own right.
From cooking shows to streamers, YouTube has videos on every topic conceivable. Below, we’ve put together a list of the channels and YouTubers with the most subscribers. It’s a pretty varied list.
1. T-Series (189m subscribers)
For 1,920 days PewDiePie was the most followed YouTube channel. And then came along T-Series, a record label and film production company from India. Despite PewDiePie trying his hardest to stay ahead of T-Series, he’s now far, far behind.
The content on the channel is a huge collections of music videos, film, clips, and trailers from T-Series creative output. Only time will tell if PewDiePie can ever retake the top spot.
2. Cocomelon (116m subscribers)
Our only children’s channel in the list, it’s high position represents how much young kids watch YouTube videos. The platform has become an easy way for parents to keep their kids entertained, especially with its autoplay feature. (Note: This trend isn’t always good.)
The channel itself has exactly what its title suggests. A huge bank of nursery rhymes about a range of subjects, featuring CGI characters and locations in a cartoonish design.
3. SET India (111m subscribers)
Into the final five and we have Sony Entertainment Television, or SET, India.
Obviously Sony-owned, this Hindi-language channel is run by the Indian television channel of the same name.
The channel has what you’d expect from a TV channel including full episodes of TV shows, teaser trailers, and episode clips.
4. PewDiePie (110m subscribers)
Our last individual YouTuber on the list is Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, better known as PewDiePie.
By far the most famous YouTuber in the world, in part thanks to a number of controversies and his rivalry with another channel, T-Series, he’s also one of the highest earners on the platform.
PewDiePie’s main focus is gaming, including livestreams of him playing. He also does a lot of vlogging, collaborations with other YouTubers, and his own meme review series.
5. ✿ Kids Diana Show (81.8m subscribers)
Children’s channels are hugely popular on YouTube, so we have a few like this in the list. This one is focused on a girl called Diana, with the content focusing on her life and what it’s like to be a kid (who is constantly filmed, I guess).
The videos include toy unboxings, challenges, trips out and about, and other activities that children get up to. A concept that would have sounded bizarre just a few years ago, but here we are.